In life, as you reel on, on the treadmill of life and as we live daily in every society we find yourself. And you just woke up one faithful morning and say;
"I really need to change my Focus"
"what's wrong with me"
"I need to change my habits"
Many a time, these changes you want are only fused on one thing, and what's that?.
Your habits!
Habits are daily behaviors you act or let's rather say that habits are behaviors you ensue daily. There are thousands of habits but not all of them are great depending on your perception. So when, they take the best out of you in a negative way, then you say you need a change.
In this little world of ours, full of diverse people with different interests, you tend to get envious of many people mainly because of how they groomed themselves, talk, or behave. Some might even boast about their daily routines that makes you get clumsier because you have a lot of mentors, and you want to copy them all.
Why don't you ask yourself this question
"Am I capable of doing this"
It's true that you are also a human, it's also true that it's also true that you can start today.
But are you ready?.
That's why you need a lifestyle change, are you thinking that maybe i need to change how i live?. No!
A lifestyle change does not necessarily mean that you change your way of life, but changing how you live by yourself and your body.
One truth is that a lifestyle change will help you to ensue the new habits you desire. Some of the lifestyle changes I will recommend are so simple but starting low leads to achieving high. If you start with this simple process you will come back to your first morning that you want a habit change badly and see that you have accumulated a ton.
1.Reward yourself
As some people say, want loyalty from a child give him rewards. You can also manipulate yourself by rewarding, but with what?
Praise yourself.
Buy things for yourself.
Shout your name into the thin air in the night with a smile.
All this brings out natural smile and contentment about your progress in changing your habits.
2. Drink more water
Having a cup of water early in the morning will help your body to activate itself for the day's work and work ready. Apart from keeping hydrated, water also has alot of benefits for your body,you can also add fruits to your water.
3.Put on some good music and dance away
Haven't you heard the saying that music is the food of the soul?, also music makes you feel refreshed, and it makes you remember some good old memories. Dancing to songs you like is also another way of rewarding yourself and keeping Fit
4.Create loving affirmations about yourself
This should be personal, I mean that it should originate from you and must be in line with your goal.
5.Don't skip Breakfast
Have you ever wondered why you see fellow colleagues getting burned out before lunch time, it's mainly because they skipped breakfast.
If you skip breakfast , then the day is not yours.
6.Eat healthy
I will be concise, eat small carb with a lot of fruit and protein, then you're good to go.
7.Inspire yourself
You won't achieve anything without this, learn how to do this by yourself.
8. Write down your goals
This is the secret of many achievers, write down your goals, to make your brain weary of your undone goals, and be more productive.
9.Write on your journal
This is all encompassing because it's in your journal you will keep the record of your daily progress on your journey of changing your habits.
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